Mastering SwiftUI 5 - Starter

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This starter package includes three ebooks including Mastering SwiftUI, Beginning iOS Programming with Swift & SwiftUI, and Beginning iOS Programming with Swift & UIKit.

The "Mastering SwiftUI" and "Beginning iOS Programming with Swift and SwiftUI" books have now been updated for Xcode 15, iOS 17, and Swift 5.9. For the remaining book, it will be updated and available as a free update later this year.

1. Mastering SwiftUI 5

The SwiftUI book is written for both beginners and developers having some experience with Swift programming. We will dive deep into this brand new UI framework. We will explore the commonly used UI components and teach you how to build complex layouts. Animations play a key role in modern mobile apps. In this book, you will also learn various animation techniques and build some cool view animations. After going through the basics, we will put together everything you learn and build a personal finance app with SwiftUI and Combine.

Here is what the topics covered in the book:

Chapter 1 - Introduction to SwiftUI

Chapter 2 - Getting Started with SwiftUI and Working with Text

Chapter 3 - Working with Images

Chapter 4 - Layout User Interfaces with Stacks

Chapter 5 - Understanding ScrollView and Building a Carousel UI

Chapter 6 - Working with SwiftUI Buttons and Gradient

Chapter 7 - Understanding State and Binding

Chapter 8 - Implementing Path and Shape for Line Drawing and Pie Charts

Chapter 9 - Basic Animations and Transitions

Chapter 10 - Playing with Modal Views, Floating Buttons and Alerts

Chapter 11 - Understanding Dynamic List, ForEach and Identifiable

Chapter 12 - Working with Navigation UI and Navigation Bar Customization

Chapter 13 - Building a Form with Picker, Toggle and Stepper

Chapter 14 - Data Sharing with Combine and Environment Objects

Chapter 15 - Building a Registration Form with Combine and View Model

Chapter 16 - Working with Swipe-to-Delete, Context Menu and Action Sheets

Chapter 17 - Using Gestures

Chapter 18 - Building an Expandable Bottom Sheet with SwiftUI Gestures and GeometryReader

Chapter 19 - Creating a Tinder-like UI with Gestures and Animations

Chapter 20 - Advanced Animations and Transitions

Chapter 21 - Working with JSON, Slider and Data Filtering

Chapter 22 - Building a ToDo App with Core Data

Chapter 23 - Integrating UIKit with SwiftUI Using UIViewRepresentable

Chapter 24 - Creating a Search Bar View and Working with Custom Binding

Chapter 25 - Putting Everything Together to Build a Real World App

Chapter 26 - Creating an App Store like Animated View Transition

Chapter 27 - Building an Image Carousel

Chapter 28 - Building an Expandable List View Using OutlineGroup

Chapter 29 - Building Grid Layout Using LazyVGrid and LazyHGrid

Chapter 30 - Creating an Animated Activity Ring with Shape and Animatable

Chapter 31 - Working with AnimatableModifier and LibraryContentProvider

Chapter 32 - Working with TextEditor to Create Multiline Text Fields

Chapter 33 - Using matchedGeometryEffect to Create View Animations

Chapter 34 - ScrollViewReader and Grid Animation

Chapter 35 - Working with Tab View and Tab Bar Customization

Chapter 36 - Using AsyncImage in SwiftUI for Loading Images Asynchronously

Chapter 37 - Implementing Search Bar Using Searchable

Chapter 38 - Creating Bar Charts and Line Charts with the Charts Framework

Chapter 39 - Capturing Text within Image Using Live Text APIs

Chapter 40 - How to Use ShareLink for Sharing Data Like Text and Photos

Chapter 41 - Using ImageRenderer to Convert SwiftUI Views into Images

Chapter 42 - Creating PDF Documents Using ImageRenderer

Chapter 43 - Using Gauge to Display Progress and Create a Speedometer

Chapter 44 - Creating Grid Layout Using Grid APIs

Chapter 45 - Switching Layout with AnyLayout

Chapter 46 - Working with Maps and Annotations

Chapter 47 - Working with Preview Macro

Chapter 48 - Building Pie Charts and Donut Charts

Chapter 49 - Detecting scroll positions in ScrollView

Chapter 50 - Animating Scroll View Using SwiftUI

Chapter 51 - Using UnevenRoundedRectangle to Round Specific Corners

Chapter 52 - Getting Started with SwiftData

Chapter 53 - How to Embed Photo Pickers in iOS Apps

Chapter 54 - Using PhaseAnimator to Create Dynamic Multi-Step Animations

Chapter 55 - Creating Advanced Animations with KeyframeAnimator

Chapter 56 - Using TipKit to Display Tooltips

2. Beginning iOS Programming with Swift (SwiftUI + UIKit)

The package includes two additional eBooks (PDF, ePub, mobi) for beginners that cover everything you need to learn for iOS app development. Remember, Swift is just a programming language. To develop an iOS app, you need to learn far more than that. SwiftUI and UIKit are the two essential UI frameworks you need to learn. We already provide two editions for the book: UIKit and SwiftUI. Both editions will teach you how to build the same real world app but with different UI frameworks.

On top of the UI frameworks, this book will teach you how to program in Swift, work with Xcode 15 and master the essential APIs of the iOS 17 SDK. Most importantly, it takes you every step of the way from an idea to building a real world app on App Store.

Starting by creating an app prototype, we will build one (or a couple) feature in each chapter. After going through the book, you will end up with a well-designed restaurant app that supports both iPhone and iPad. Of course, it looks great on the brand-new iPhone 15/15 Pro too.

Specially, you will learn in this course:

  • Develop apps using SwiftUI and UIKit
  • New features of Xcode 15 and Swift 5.9 Programming
  • Playgrounds in Xcode
  • Prototyping an app without writing a line of code
  • Stack views and Adaptive UI
  • MVC, MVVM, and OOP
  • Working with Auto Layout, Dynamic Type and Size Classes
  • Working with Navigation View
  • Table/List view programming
  • Table view/List Customization
  • Applying Blur Effect using UIVisualEffect
  • UIView animations and Image Manipulation
  • Working with MapKit
  • Accessing Photo Library and Camera
  • Using WKWebView and SFSafariViewController to Display Web Pages
  • Search bar implementation
  • Tab bar integration
  • Working with Core Data
  • Creating tutorial screens
  • Integrating with CloudKit and build a social feature
  • Pull to Refresh content
  • Localizing Your App into different languages
  • Arranging beta test with users using TestFlight
  • Submitting your app to App Store
  • Adopting Haptic Touch and Context Menus
  • Implementing User Notifications in iOS

Full source code and Xcode projects are included in the package.

This book includes one year free update. That means, you will continue to receive book updates for free for 1 year. The updates include new content and error fixes.

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What's included

Mastering SwiftUI eBook
990-page ebook in PDF/ePub/Mobi/HTML
Beginning iOS Programming with Swift (UIKit Edition)
900 page eBook in PDF, ePub, and Mobi
Beginning iOS Programming with Swift (SwiftUI Edition)
650 page eBook in PDF, ePub, and Mobi
App Design Resource for Developers
App Screenshot Design Guide
Xcode projects
Full source code
Free update
1 Year
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Mastering SwiftUI 5 - Starter

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